Tuesday 23 July 2013

Wish List Wednesday: Beautiful Blogs

In the words of Skee-Lo, "I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller........... I wish I had the time and dedication to blog properly". Seriously. I'm terrible. But that's okay, because I can live vicariously through some of my favourite blogs that are entertaining, beautiful, and *ahem* well-maintained. In no particular order, here are some of my faves!

is a stunning collection of beautifully photographed recipes. If you have a thing for sharp-focus pastries and gorgeous-looking food, check this out. I just spent a solid fifteen minutes pouring through Sarah Keiffer's instagram feed and I'm not even a little bit sorry.
Image: Pear Tarts with Honey-Bourbon Crème Fraiche

by Jes Baker is a whole bunch of my favourite things in one convenient blog-package. She articulately and relatably discusses body positivity, no-nonsense female empowerment, features awesome bakers on her page, and has a stand mixer tattoo. I started following this one after being linked to a Womanifesto forever ago, and have been hooked ever since.
Image: www.themilitantbaker.com

is an old favourite. In fact it's one of the things that made me want to get into this little world of bake-blogging a few years ago...this woman is crazy talented, and her presentation is incredible. I could spend all day on this site, easily.
Image: Sweetapolita's Lemon Blueberry Macaron Delight Cake

is all my guilty pleasures on one page. Recipes, home décor, party styling....just go have a gander- head to the category listing on the right hand side to find what tickles your fancy!
Image: Partying Pretty by Somewhere Splendid

has crisp, bright photography and a huge array of DIY tutorials, recipes, and useful articles. It's a recent discovery for me and I am loving it! She has even developed an e-course on the Business of Blogging (for people like me who have lots to post and seem to be incapable of doing so consistently.)
Image: DIY Painted Paper Floral Wreath by A Subtle Revelry

That's it for now, look out for wedding cupcakes coming up this weekend! xx

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