Tuesday 12 March 2013

Goodbye, MeowCakes- Hello, Little Bow Sweets!

The very first MeowCake!
Well, here it is...after a lot of thought and debate (and possibly a soul-searching move to the other side of the planet *ahem*) I've finally decided to take all the love and time I've put into MeowCakes over the last year and a half and turn it into something a little more sophisticated. This involved a little bit of an image overhaul, and a move towards a branding idea I've been working on for a while now. I love MeowCakes and its quirkiness, as well as the fact that a silly joke actually caught on as name, but just like the rest of us, MeowCakes had to grow up... so here we have it, Little Bow Sweets! I spent months thinking of names for my project, constantly trashing what I had come up with or finding that someone else had beaten me to the punch. As with most good ideas, this one came to me out of the blue- while I was in Brisbane a couple of months ago actually. I love the fact that it's cute and quirky, a play on words, and just a little more refined than its predecessor. I cant wait to unveil everything I have planned for this, honestly, I'm like a kid at Christmas right now. The full website is now up and running and I will be adding some freebies as well as a weekly recipe/tutorial very soon! I'm so excited for everything to come and will try and keep you all updated as much as possible throughout the next few weeks! xx

It's not all about the brand- check out today's dark chocolate cakes with
vanilla bean buttercream and crunchy honeycomb topping!

The New Look! 

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