Sunday 16 October 2011

Two Girls, One Cupcake

As promised....What's better than baking cupcakes? Baking cupcakes with your beautiful bestie! What, were you expecting anything else? A certain little 6 year old who may have already been featured in this blog made a special request the other day and the lovely Deihdra came to help fill the order. At first I was hesitant to tackle Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes...mostly because I was afraid they would taste like mouthwash. Having said that, after way more taste-testing than our stomachs would have liked, we've created something that's pretty damn delicious. Oh, and I've managed to lose my camera somewhere so please excuse the iPhone photos!

Batter that looks like mint-choc-chip ice cream = on the right track.

Hilariously bad chocolate toppers...

Dark chocolate buttercream = total win.

Yeah, that happened.


Yes, we do have matching aprons.

Be jealous.



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