Monday 24 October 2011

Halloween Comes Early

Halloween is quite possibly my favourite holiday that isn't a holiday. I don't know why- I don't like candy, scary movies make me cry, and fake blood is one of two things on the planet that I'm really allergic to. For some reason though, I love everything about it and have been getting into the spirit by filling some Halloween cupcake orders.

Even though Halloween itself is a full week away, my current plans include being 3000 miles away on the east coast. So as far as my kitchen is concerned, Halloween is coming early this year and the product of my excitement is three new treats:

  1. Death-by-Chocolate Ghosts (I know, I'm hilarious)
  2. Caramel Candy Corn Cupcakes.....and last but not least,
  3. Black Cherry Truffle Cupcakes with Eyeballs (I couldn't think of a clever name for these obviously)
White Chocolate Buttercream Ghosts on top of Double-Chocolate Cake

oh hai!

Caramel Cake topped with Butterscotch Frosting

rows of ghosts!

Gumpaste, food colouring, piping gel and a paintbrush: success

Black Cherry Cupcakes, Dark Chocolate Ganache Topping


Just for fun- chocolate ghost family!

Mama ghost is a little fat, but she is made of butter I suppose.

Cupcakes for days...

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