Wednesday 21 August 2013

{WISH LIST WEDNESDAY: The Tale of the Whale (That Was Really A Snail)

This Wednesday, my wish is to be less blonde. And by that I mean less of complete idiot 90% of the time. I am an intelligent person, as far as people go....but at least once a day I have what I refer to as "facepalm" moments, where all I can do is shake my head at myself and seriously wonder how I manage to dress myself in the morning.

This week I bought some fantastic cookie/pastry cutters from Ikea, and I've been itching to use them because I'm cool like that. Since I like to keep Little Bow Sweets updates coming pretty consistently, I snapped a picture of my slightly confusing new cutters for Instagram.

Almost immediately, Faye from Bake Me Happy SF (@bakemehappysf) pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that the object of my confusion was a snail...and not a whale. Just...cringe. I still don't think a snail matches all the other cutters, but ANYWAY. I made cookies, they are delicious, and some of them are shaped like animals of questionable identity.

These are my favourite little bears. At Christmas they'll make perfect polar bears!

Most. Breakable. Cookie. Ever. ARGH.

My sister thought this one was a dinosaur, so I'm going to blame genetics for our animal identification issues.

I realize that there's a finger in this photo, but it's too nice to crop :)


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