This Wednesday, my wish is to be less blonde. And by that I mean less of complete idiot 90% of the time. I am an intelligent person, as far as people go....but
at least once a day I have what I refer to as "facepalm" moments, where all I can do is shake my head at myself and seriously wonder how I manage to dress myself in the morning.
This week I bought some fantastic cookie/pastry cutters from Ikea, and I've been itching to use them because I'm cool like that. Since I like to keep Little Bow Sweets updates coming pretty consistently, I snapped a picture of my slightly confusing new cutters for Instagram.
Almost immediately, Faye from
Bake Me Happy SF (
@bakemehappysf) pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that the object of my confusion was a snail...and not a whale. Just...cringe. I still don't think a snail matches all the other cutters, but ANYWAY. I made cookies, they are delicious, and some of them are shaped like animals of questionable identity.
These are my favourite little bears. At Christmas they'll make perfect polar bears! |
Most. Breakable. Cookie. Ever. ARGH. |
My sister thought this one was a dinosaur, so I'm going to blame genetics for our animal identification issues. |
I realize that there's a finger in this photo, but it's too nice to crop :) |
SEE. |