Sunday 19 May 2013

The Weekender: Playing Catch-Up!

Tasty lemon cupcakes, perfect for Spring!
Hey Sweet Things! It's been a couple of weeks since I've been able to post properly. Things have been a little chaotic over here, but everything is on its way back to normal, which means lots of cakes and other treats on the way! I was all set to start a new cake design idea on Wednesday afternoon, but ended up spending the whole night in the ER because a certain little mini-me fractured her wrist playing dodgeball at school! Needless to say, that took priority over my floral spring cake, so I'll be getting to that today. Thank goodness for long weekends!

This weekend I'll be launching the first Little Bow Giveaway, so keep your eyes peeled this afternoon! Anyway, here's some snaps of what I've been up to lately!

These sweetheart engagement cupcakes were a great excuse to play with
my new wedding themed cutters!

Kiddie ketchup-cup cupcakes for a church picnic!

Half red velvet with cream cheese frosting, half vanilla raspberry
with purple buttercream!

Mother's Day Weekend was a busy one over here...about 200 cupcakes
were made and decorated for luck mamas all over town!

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