Sunday 14 April 2013

Blowing Out the Candles: A Cautionary Tale

Well, I've had one week back in BC and the cakery has begun! The weekend's projects were simple and fun- some thank-you cupcakes, and a birthday cake and cupcakes for a lovely lady. I decided on a rustic girly theme for the birthday cake- a 3-layer lemon cake, filled with vanilla buttercream, raspberry preserve, and wrapped in light raspberry buttercream. If you use Pinterest, you've probably seen the 'cake banner' trend floating around. I thought it would be a nice way to top a fairly simple cake, and didn't even consider the possibility that there might be 24 candles stuck on top at some point....BIG MISTAKE. When it came time to cut the cake, someone said "we're lighting the cake!" and still, I didn't catch on. It wasn't until the cake was brought out, with 24 lit candles, that I realized what was going to happen. Ten seconds later the banner above the cake was in flames and the Happy Birthday song had turned into "let's try not to light the carpet on fire." Luckily the potential crisis was averted and everyone was able to enjoy the cake (even with a slightly melted top). Needless to say, next time I try and be cute and trendy I'm going to establish whether or not fire is a factor beforehand...

Simple & rustic

Waiting for something special on top!

Disaster pending...

Just in case you were wondering, paper banners and candles don't mix.

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