Friday, 20 January 2012

Meow Meow MeowCakes

I think, at the ripe old age of 21, that I've just accepted that I'm really quirky. Quirky is my way of making my countless idiosyncrasies and oddities sound endearing instead of weird, which is basically what they are. Lots of you have asked why my little cupcake project is called MeowCakes, wondering if I'm some crazy cat lady or if I'm baking kittens etc. The truth is I've never owned a cat and I don't even like them that much... I like big sloppy dogs that you can take for huge walks and that scare the crap out of the poor kids that deliver the paper or sell girl guide cookies. The name actually has nothing to do with cats at all, and everything to do with a little quirk my closest friends and I share. My project is called MeowCakes because at some point years ago, one of my best friends and I started randomly meowing at each other(think Super Troopers) and we never quite grew out of it. Unfortunately for all of our friends, it's highly contagious and very confusing for people that don't understand that meows are all part of our normal conversation, like grocery clerks and bosses. Almost six years later, it's a running joke with everyone that knows us and the only name I could come up with that was really, truly, me. (meow)

This tea towel from etsy essentially sums up my life.
The last week has been pretty interesting around here...and by interesting I mean the wrath of the Arctic has been dropped on top of Chilliwack and it's almost as cold here as New Brunswick. For those of you that don't know what that means, it means its really really reeeeeallly freaking cold here right now! It also means I've had lots of time to bake and try out my new stand mixer (yay!) because I'm a big baby who didn't buy a proper winter jacket and gets borderline hypothermic every time she goes outside. So until the Fraser Valley remembers that it's not supposed to be this cold, I'll continue to spend the majority of my time dancing around my kitchen while I bake things and forcing everyone I know to eat them so I don't weigh 600lbs by the time the snowpocalypse is over.

Vanilla Bean Cupcakes: perfectly simple.

When asked what their mum would like on her birthday cupcakes,
the little boy and girl who placed this order knew that race cars
and butterflies were the only way to go!

Mini-Meow order from a boss for his employees!
Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Coffee Caramel, & Raspberry!

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