Thursday 2 February 2012

Happy Birthday Kelly!

Birthdays are the perfect excuse to get fancy as far as I'm concerned, and there's no reason home made cupcakes can't look better than a store-bought birthday treat. I love to surprise people with their birthday orders and give them something ten times better than they expected. I also like to theme the decorations to the person they're for--for example a girly soon-to-be-bride planning her tropical destination wedding! So plain old red velvets for a celebration? Not in my kitchen.

Working with fondant isn't really working at all...honestly, it's basically
adult play-doh and no one will yell at you for eating it! Win-win.

Criminal Minds on TV and a flower-making station on the coffee table!

Red Velvet Cupcakes, Cream Cheese Frosting & a little extra sparkle!

Hand-painted colours and petal dust make the perfect tropical toppers.

I was determined to fit the 'Happy B-Day' onto one cupcake... no matter
how much frosting it took!

Personalized birthday wishes for the birthday girl!

A little wonky, but they all fit! 

A tropical birthday cupcake garden :)

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