Monday, 27 August 2012

Smash Cakes & Spontaneity

These are exciting times in the MeowCakes kitchen and as a result of that I don't have time to post much but photographs(really though that's the only interesting part anyway). Here's all the goods from the last three weeks:

These are exactly what they look like- BUBBLEGUM CUPCAKES!

Marble Cupcakes make Pretty Presents

Mini Hydrangeas for a Purple & White wedding!

All to go with a Purple Lily Cutting Cake

I love the colours of these hyadrangea cupcakes!

Dark chocolate mini cupcakes for a bridal shower!

Green & White pride for a home football game!

Double Chocolate Cupcakes with a wine theme!

If only cupcakes actually came with a mini bottle of wine!

Sparkly chocolate birthday cupcakes!

dundundundundundundundun......SHARK WEEK

Mini birthday cupcakes for a western themed 1st Birthday!

Cream cheese frosting and horseshoes!

The Birthday Centrepiece- a western smashcake!

One year old already!

A little cowgirl in the making?

1 comment:

  1. What a great collection of cute, elegant, colourful and yummy (I just know it) cupcakes! There is something about cupcakes that large cakes just can't match! We always have room for a cupcake!
