Wednesday 3 October 2012

Autumn Leaves

It's October already! How did this happen?! I don't know about anyone else, but I'm looking at my calendar right now and wondering where this year has gone. It feels like it was last week I was frantically cramming for finals in January, but here we are almost at Thanksgiving. I love this time of year- cold crisp weather, hot steamy drinks, and fall cake flavours and designs.

This fall themed giant cupcake was destined to be smashed by a lucky
September baby!

Jaida's 1st Birthday Cake probably almost
weighed as much as her!

I love the floral lettering- the perfect addition to buttercream blossoms.

Happy Birthday Jaida!

Just for eating, not for smashing: Pumpkin Spiced Coffee Cake with
Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting....Fall in a cupcake.

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