Friday 5 October 2012

A Sticky 7th Birthday

Last week my babiest brother turned seven. His name is Nicholas, but for his entire life he's been called Sticky, and no one has any idea why. I'm pretty sure it was my Granddad who started calling him Sticky Nicky when he was just a wee baby, but unfortunately for the poor kid I think it's stuck for life. I'm sure he'll have fun explaining to future girlfriends that his entire family has abandoned his real name and unanimously refers to him as "Sticky". Just to protect his little first grade pride in front of his friends, I put 'Nicky' on his birthday cake, but sadly for him that didn't hold up during the Happy Birthday song. It's OK though, at the end of the day he's the youngest of five kids so having an embarrassing nickname is probably going to be the least of his worries as he grows up. So Happy Birthday Sticky, and good luck!

The perfect cake for a Moshi Monsters fan, complete
with a Katsuma Moshi on top.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Autumn Leaves

It's October already! How did this happen?! I don't know about anyone else, but I'm looking at my calendar right now and wondering where this year has gone. It feels like it was last week I was frantically cramming for finals in January, but here we are almost at Thanksgiving. I love this time of year- cold crisp weather, hot steamy drinks, and fall cake flavours and designs.

This fall themed giant cupcake was destined to be smashed by a lucky
September baby!

Jaida's 1st Birthday Cake probably almost
weighed as much as her!

I love the floral lettering- the perfect addition to buttercream blossoms.

Happy Birthday Jaida!

Just for eating, not for smashing: Pumpkin Spiced Coffee Cake with
Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting....Fall in a cupcake.