Friday, 16 December 2011

All I Want for Christmas is a Stand Mixer… and my sanity back.

As I’ve said before, I love December. I spend the whole second half of November looking forward to it, and then it hits and I suddenly remember that December is the month I spend frantically cramming an entire semester’s worth of information into my head. This semester is even worse than years past, because this year I’ve been finishing my courses online and have no real deadlines. Naturally, that means I’ve done absolutely no school work since September. Since my ultimate deadline is December 24th, I have written six papers in the last eight days and still have four more to go. As a result, I’ve stopped being human and become this weird spaced-out creature who drinks whipped cream vodka in coffee (its rank, I don’t recommend it) and then drunkenly buys shoes online at 3am after filling a governance paper with Jersey Shore references. The only thing keeping me remotely sane right now is taking study breaks to fill cupcake orders, so I thought I’d share those little adventures with you before I hit the books again.
Candy Cane Love

My kitchen basically looks like Christmas threw up on it at the moment- there are cupcakes everywhere and they’re all holiday flavours. I’d like to say I just whipped them up effortlessly, but to be completely honest it couldn’t have been more of a disaster. After dropping a bag of icing sugar on the floor and running out of mini cases half way through, my trusty superstore hand mixer finally took its last breath and completely crapped out. A few exam-stress tears and a shopping trip later, all’s right with the world again and things are back on track.  Mini Holiday Cupcakes = great success, and hopefully a hit at the staff party they're heading to!
White Chocolate Mint Cake with Peppermint Buttercream

Mini Meows!

White Chocolate Eggnog

Caramel Buttered Rum

Sparkling Red Velvet

All ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha Jersey Shore references! I love it! I managed to slip in a Harry Potter one in my Machiavelli essay in my exam tonight mwahaha. I love being sneaky like that...cakes look tasty, I want them!
