Saturday 9 February 2013

Valentine's Adventures

This Valentine's Day, I'll be on my way to Vietnam for a two-week adventure! This means no frantic Valentine's cupcake-making for me this year, but I did manage to knock out a simple and adorable Valentine's Cake just to keep it a little bit festive! As I'm currently working on some wedding showpieces, I've been searching this tropical corner of the world for cake dummies and completely failing to find any. Basically even getting the supplies for this "cake" was a bit of a mission, but so worth all the cuteness!

All the tutorials I found online for  DIY cake dummies
looked so crafty and well-done, I was convinced I would
be creating my own perfect fake cakes in no time...

Instead it took four days three endless trips
around town and about fifteen phone calls
before I managed to get this nice man to cut
me a stack of cake-shaped foam...

But with that out of the way, I could focus on the fun stuff. Like these
Valentine Owls!

I love the simplicity of this cake.  I'm not into sappy
glamourous valentine stuff- cutesy is the way to go in
my opinion!

The heart on a spring makes the cake for me- just a touch
of whimsy!

The owls are dead simple to make- I think they also look a bit like
penguins, but who doesn't love Pingu?